Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 2, 2012

Life coaching

"Life coaching is  a career and an ehtical profession. The life coach uses the power of commitment to enable their clients to achieve beneficial and measurable results in all areas of their life. Life coaching is a holistic process that has the power to balance and harmonise life."
(Copyright the life coaching handbook)
To Undersand more
Life coaching is one and both at the same time. It uses some of the skills of old coaching style combined with new innovation. It concentrates on the person's whole life instead of just one area.
The aim of life coaching is to help you identify and achieve personal goals in any area of your life. A holistic approach is taken, recognising that one area of your life impacts upon another and so addressing personal areas such as relationships or spirituality can in turn lead to improvement in your health or achievement of your career goals.

Different coaches operate in different ways but typically they will help you to assess your current satisfaction in different areas of your life, explore what you want to achieve, what your current strengths are and help you formulate a strategy for development. For example you might identify the values that underpin your motivation and challenge existing beliefs with the aim of unlocking previously held barriers to moving forward.

Coaching may be beneficial if you…

want to make changes in your life but are struggling to make them on your own or you feel there are things holding you back have some major goals you want to achieve and need some support need some clarity and confidence to help you make some major decisions want to gain clarity about what motivates you and what you would like to achieve want to reduce the stress in your life or gain a better work-life balance.

At least 75% of action plan come from the client. an Expert in a particular field can do life caoching but someone who has no specific knowledge of skills required can just as effectively  perform it. Indeed, some of the most successful life coaches do not have the expertise in the specilist fields of their clients.

Expertise in many trades and professions is not the role of a life coach. Laura Berman Fortgang, life coach and author of Take Yourself to the Top, writes, "i am a partner", and adds, "coaching is holistic". Another life coach, Eileen Mulligan, wrote on the life coaching-Vhange your life in seven days, " Life coaches are there to push you to change your life for the better: There is no mention in either book about the need for qualifications or expertise in many given field beyond that of life coaching itself..

So what is a life coach? Some life coaches believe that it is about advising client. Some believe that it involves guiding clients to find their answers. A Few claim that you must have expertise within the fields when you coach. Spiritually focused life coaches say that it is all about "connection". Life coaches with therapy backgrounds believe that the process include conselling or therapy.

In reality, life coaches can be all of the above. It depends on the needs of each individual client and the skills of the coach.

Despite this diversity of approach, most life coaches agree that it is about achieving results. The life coach closed to gap between thinking about doing and actually doing.

Some life coaches seek address these barier before  working with the client's desire outcomes. in a long term, any conflict between desires and beliefs chould be investigated but. initially, the job of the life coach is to get results - results, results - nothing but results.

The main roel of a life coach is to enable and empower the clients. This is achieved using the  "pewe of commitment" as leverage. Once clients agree to an activitiy they are commit to do it. This commitment is powerfully linked with the client's indentity. The clife coach taps into this power.

Life coaching is a relationship of interdependency between coach and client. It is a relationship based on honesty, respect and the life coach's unwavering beliefs in the client's unlimited potential.

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